ON24 today announced that live streaming for webcasts utilizing Adobe® Flash® technology will be available mid-July. Companies can now deliver webcasts to viewers regardless of their browser or operating system, such as Mac, Linux and Windows.

The new ON24 console with Adobe Flash technology provides greater multi-platform and browser support, and provides an enhanced user experience for webcast participants. Organizations are seeking new ways to reach, engage and interact with their employees, customers, and partners anywhere at anytime. Designed to be open and completely extensible, the new ON24 console with Adobe Flash technology enables webcasts to be developed with dynamic images, audio, video and animation to capture viewers’ attention and increase their participation in the webcast.

Adobe Flash Player is also installed on over 98 percent of Internet connected computers and works consistently across multiple browsers and operating systems.  “ON24’s webcasting solutions provide companies with new ways to improve the effectiveness of their online programs,” said Kevin Towes, product manager for Flash Media Server at Adobe. “By incorporating live streaming capabilities with Adobe Flash Media Server, viewers around the globe can view customized and interactive rich media online events delivered in high quality.”

With Adobe’s family of Flash products, companies have increased flexibility regarding the webcast design and level of interactivity: 

  • Dynamic Console Interface:
    With Adobe Flash software, webcast interfaces can be more creatively designed, incorporating custom navigation schemes, dynamic Flash widgets, real-time retrieval of related content and more.

  • Multi-Platform Support:
    With no software downloads, ON24 Flash console provides cross-platform support for Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems, and a myriad of Internet browsers.

  • Web 2.0 Functionality:
    The ability to incorporate Web 2.0 features such as ratings and the ability to share with third-party sites, such as Digg, Delicious and Facebook.

“This isn’t your father’s webinar,” stated Sharat Sharan, President and CEO of ON24, Inc. “With our new streaming features with Adobe Flash, we envision that webinars will no longer be a single event in time. Rather, it’ll be a rich Internet application with targeted user information, animation, video, photos and more. The simple webinar now becomes a central component of an organization’s online event and marketing initiatives.”

ON24 is committed to technology innovations that enable organizations to improve the effectiveness of their corporate and marketing programs, such as lead generation, internal communications and continuing professional education. Delivering over 16,000 audio and video webcasts for global customers in 2007, ON24 pioneered the most dependable and highest quality webcast platform available.  It is also the only webcasting company with two datacenters for increased reliability.

To view an example of the ON24 audience console, go to: http://w.on24.com/clients/flashwebcastdemo.

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